Monday 13 September 2010

The papal party

John Thavis of the Catholic News Service tells us who will be in the Pope's seguito or entourage. They include
  • Fr Federico Lombardi, the Jesuit who is Benedict XVI's spokesman and press director. 
  • Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican's Secretary of State (sometimes known as the "deputy pope"), for many years no. 2 at the CDF where Cardinal Ratzinger was prefect. With Bertone will be Mgr Leo Cushley, the Scot who coordinates the English-speaking desk at the Secretariat.
  • Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, the Vatican's Secretary of Relations with States, or "foreign minister".
  • Mgr Georg Gänswein, the Pope's improbably good-looking papal private secretary (photo), who is always at his side.
  • Mgr Guido Marini, who is in charge of the papal liturgies.

And so on  - about 25 in all.